
The children in the 2-3’s room having fun gluing and sticking pictures for a display.



Links to the EYFS

Physical Development

Moving and Handling

22-36 months

v  Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark making tools.

v  May be beginning to show preference for dominate hand





22-36 months

v  Distinguishes between the different marks they make



Expressive arts and design

Exploring and using media and materials

22-36 months

v  Experiments with blocks, colours and marks



Characteristics of Effective Learning  

Active Learning (motivation)

Being involved and concentrating

v  Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time

v  Not easily distracted

v  Paying attention to details


Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

v  Show satisfaction in meeting their own goals

v  Being proud of how they accomplished something, not just the end result